Marina Detoraki is Associate Professor of Byzantine Philology at the Department of Philology (Division of Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature). She received her B.A. at the University of Athens (1992), her MA Thesis (1992) from Paris-Sorbonne University, from where she also received her PhD Dissertation (2000). She has worked as a researcher at the Centre of Byzantine Studies of the Collège de France (1997-99), has taught at the University of Patras and as Visiting Professor at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (2017). She has also worked as summer fellow at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and at the Bodleian Centre for the Study of the Book. Her research interests focus on byzantine hagiography, text edition, paleography and text critisism, and also include byzantine tales and narratology. Her book Le Martyre Grec de saint Aréthas et de ses compagnons (BHG 166), [Monographies 27], Collège de France- CNRS, Paris 2007, has won the award of Academy of Athens 2008. In 2020 she co-edited the volume Bibliothèques Grecques dans l’empire ottoman, (with co-editors André Binggeli & Matthieu Cassin), Bibliologia– Brepols, 2020. Her edition of the Encomium and the Miracles of saints Cyrus and John of Sophronius of Jerusalem is in press.