Language Acquisition and Processing Laboratory
Description - Research Activities
The Language Acquisition and Processing Laboratory at UoC (LAP-Lab at UoC) was founded in 2019. The LAP-Lab investigates how infants and children comprehend and express themselves in their native language (emergence of L1) and how adolescences and adults process their native language (processing of L1). Focusing on the growth and implementation of the language faculty in individuals, the projects conducted by the LAP-Lab aim at contributing to a better understanding of various aspects of the language system, including phonology, morphology and morphosyntax and the syntax-semantics interface. Moreover, we are also interested in language and literacy disorders, as well as language development and processing in a-typical and multilingual populations. By systematically investigating the mechanisms responsible for the expression of the linguistic system in actual, observable linguistic behavior we also hope to be ultimately able to aid in clarifying broader methodological questions regarding the study of language acquisition.
The LAP-Lab at UoC promotes and explicitly encourages the discourse between theoretically oriented and more applied aspects of explorations into language, so as to make our research results directly accessible both to educational institutions and society as a whole. Following this general philosophy of optimizing information transfer, the LAP-Lab actively pursues collaborations with other labs located in Greece and abroad, and is seeking cooperations with public and private sectors organizations invested in language-related matters that will result in mutually beneficial professional relations.
The LAP-Lab at UoC, located in the department of Philology in Gallos (Rethymnon), is staffed by the faculty of the Linguistics Section in the Philology Department, technical staff members, doctorate students working on language acquisition and it is affiliated with researchers from various universities. It is equipped with state-of-the-art tools, such as Tobii Pro TX-300, portable Tobii X3-120, Eye tracking software for experimental research, Tobii Pro Lab, E-Prime extensions for Tobii Pro eye trackers and Tobii Pro Lab.
The research produced by the members of the Lab are supported and communicated to the academic and non-academic community via seminars, symposiums, talks and conferences along with publications on academic and social media.