Αthena Kavoulaki holds a BA from the University of Athens and an MPhil and a DPhil from the University of Oxford (Magdalen College). Her research interests include Greek drama of Classical times, epic and lyric poetry of Archaic times, myth and ritual in the ancient world, history of the ancient Greek theatre, cultural history of Antiquity and reception of Greek drama and Greek culture in general.
She has published many articles in scholarly journals or collective volumes and has edited the volume ΠΛΕΙΩΝ: Papers in Memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood (2018), which has inaugurated the Supplement Series of Ariadne, the scholarly journal of the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete (in the editorial board of which she participated for many years). Various studies (monographs or articles) are forthcoming or in preparation (indicative titles: ‘The Polis on Display in Plutarch’s Lives’, ‘Searching one’s way in extremis: confluent routes and Odyssean otherworldly transitions’ et.c.).
She has organized or co-organized various conferences or seminars and has contributed to the dissemination of ancient Greek culture and letters through collaboration with local organizations and others.