I was born and schooled in Athens, first at the elementary school of Mets and then at the Arsakeion in Psychiko, where gifted teachers inspired in me an enthusiasm for Ancient Greek. I hold a BA in Philology from the University of Athens (1980) and a PhD in Classics from Brown University (1990), where I also acquired valuable experience as a Teaching Fellow. In 1990-91 I taught Greek and Latin at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. Since 1991 I have been teaching at the University of Crete. I am very proud of all my students who have distinguished themselves as teachers and scholars in Greece and abroad and inspire younger generations with a love of classical literature. My research interests focus on melic poetry with emphasis on Pindar, Greek tragedy, Augustan lyric poetry and lately the Graeco-Roman period, Plutarch in particular. For years I have been exploring the dialogue of literature with the visual arts and its ideological and political ramifications (list of publications and other academic activities in the uploaded CV). I am married to Ewen Bowie, with whom I share a love of studying the ancient world through texts and monuments and an enthusiasm for exploring the modern world through travel.