I was born and schooled in Chania, Crete. I hold a BA and an master degree in Philology from the Department of Philology of the University of Crete where I also completed my doctoral thesis titled "Theophanis Graptos. Life and Work "(2003), under the supervision of Prof. Theoch. Detoris. I have worked in Secondary Schools since 2004 and in the Departments of Philology of the Universities of Crete and Patras as an adjunct professor (P.D. 408/80). I have also worked for 4 years at the Department of Philosophy and Social Studies of the University of Crete (As a Supervisor of the Teaching Practice). My research interests focus mainly on the study and publication of Byzantine Poetic Texts (Secular Poetry and hymnography), the "Byzantine drama" and the various aspects of the life of the Byzantines.